Online Camera LiDAR Fusion and Object Detection on Hybrid Data for Autonomous Driving

Online Camera LiDAR Fusion and Object Detection on Hybrid Data for Autonomous Driving


  • Improve the LiDAR and camera fusion (Extrinct Calibration)
  • Intensity discontinuities and erosion and dilation of the edge image for increased robustness against shadows and visual patterns, which is a recurring problem in point cloud related work
  • use a gradient-free optimizer
  • Fusion pipeline is lightweight and able to run in real-time
  • Modify from Faster R-CNN
  • Test dataset KITTI data set
  • Outlook on how radar can be added to the fusion pipeline via velocity matching
  • real-time with 10Hz



  • RGB cameras:
    • color and texture information
    • good for object classification
    • limited detection range
    • perform poorly in limited lighting or adverse weather conditions
    • cheap
  • LiDARs
    • provide precise distance info
    • wider range detection
    • small object detection
    • no colar info
    • performance decreases in heavy rain
    • expensive
  • Radars
    • provide precise distance and velocity info
    • work well in inclement weather
    • rather low resolution (解析度)
    • bad object detection

Fusion techniques

  • High-level fusion (HLF)

    • Centralized System
    • detects objects with each sensor separately
    • subsequently combines these detections
    • limited available information
  • Low-level fusion (LLF)

    • Distributed System
    • Combines all the data from raw data level
    • More difficulties combining the data

Key of Sensing

  • Time-synchronized for ego-motion
  • Fusion and detection algorithms need to be real-time
  • Use 3D markers (inconvenient)REF

  • Deep learning based end-to-end architecture for feature extraction, feature matching and global regression REF

    • Large amount of data is required for training
    • Separate data collection for each vehicle
  • Edge alignments between optical camera and LiDAR data using reflectivity values REF

    • Uses an exhaustive grid search to fit edges in image and point cloud data
    • takes to many time –> not real-time
  • (The One this paper applies)Target-less camera LiDAR calibration REF


  • Use LLF

    • prevent the occurrence of aberrations and duplicate objects
  • Use MLF

    • An abstraction sitting on top of LLF, where extracted features from multiple sensor data are fused
  • Sensor

Fusion of Lidar and Camera (extrinct calibration)

  • Relies on accurate instrict calibration of sensors
  • Use a ring pattern Calibration board REF
    • Reduce 70% reduction of the average reproject errors
  • Finding the 4x4 transformation matrix TL
    • TL cconsists of a rotation and a translation (6 degrees)
    • Find edges in camara images match in point cloud with similarity function S
  • Use the inverse distance transformation (IDT) and erosion and dilation (ED) to increase the robustness to shadows in the scen