

  • Interface to communicate with kernel

  • Unix Shells

  • 常見Unix 指令: UNIX 常見指令教學

  • Shell Environment Variables

  • Variables and Strings Quotes

  • Shell Special Characters

    • ex:

  • Built-in Shell Commands

  • Input/Output Redirection

  • File and Directory Related Commands

  • Select and File Processing Related Commands

    • Example usage:
      • Find the occurrence of certain pattern in file
        grep -l harry *
      • Print the line number when using grep
        grep -n harry /etc/passwd
      • print the processes owned by harry
        ps auxww | grep ^harry
      • List harry’s id, uid, home, shell in /etc/passwd
        grep harry /etc/passwd | cut -f1,3,6,7 -d:
      • Cut out file permission and file name from ls output
        ls -l | grep -v ^total | cut -c1-11 -c47-
        • -c1-12: 1 st ~12 th characters (start from 1, instead of 0)
        • -c47-:characters after 47 th character (include 47 th)
      • Use awk to generate the same behavior of cut
        awk -F: '{print $1 " " $6}' /etc/passwd
      • Sort

        ls -al | sort -k 5,5 -r
      • tr -Translate characters
        • Change all alphabet to uppercase
          tr "A-Z" "a-z" < file1 > file2
        • Change all character to another charater
          grep lctseng /etc/passwd | tr ":" "\n“
        • Delete tab in file1
          tr -d "\t" < file1
        • Delete multiple space in file1
          tr -s " " " " < file1
  • xargs Command

    • want to ping all hosts in file
  • Command History in (t)csh